Sehari 9 Laporan, Kabid Humas: Sudah Ditangani

Selama 24 jam Kepolisian Daerah (Polda) Bengkulu beserta Polres jajaran menerima 9 laporan.--
"Of the 9 reports received, there were no reports of outstanding cases and all of them have been handled by each police station." to the Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Regional Police.
Regarding this matter, the Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Regional Police appealed to the entire public to always be alert and careful when driving on the main road.
Considering that currently the intensity of rainfall is uncertain in Bengkulu Province, it is important to avoid becoming victims of traffic accidents.
Apart from that, the Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Police also said that the Police really need cooperation from the wider community to carry out their duties.
One of them is the active role of all elements of society in Bengkulu Province, especially in maintaining the security of their respective environments.
"We really hope for the participation of the entire community to jointly maintain the situation in the surrounding environment so that the situation in Bengkulu becomes more conducive." concluded the Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Regional Police.