Pemprov Bengkulu Anggarkan Rp1,8 Miliar untuk Dual-View X-Ray, Haji dan Umrah Langsung dari Bengkulu?
X-Ray: Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Bengkulu siapkan anggaran sebesar Rp1,8 miliar untuk pembelian alat pemutaran sinar x tampilan ganda atau dual-view X-Ray. BELA/RB--
After that, we will install it in the VIP terminal. So the Bengkulu VIP terminal is complete for international flights," said Khairil.
Meanwhile, Executive General Manager (EGM) of PT Angkasa Pura II Fatmawati Soekarno Bengkulu Airport Branch Office, Ngantimin K. Murtono,
Pemprov Bengkulu Anggarkan Rp1,8 Miliar untuk Dual-View X-Ray, Haji dan Umrah Langsung dari Bengkulu?
Stated that there are three terminals at Fatmawati Soekarno Airport, passenger terminal, cargo terminal and VIP terminal.
"Last year, we implemented KM212, which is an international rule that must be implemented.
That's why this VIP is implemented exactly the same as in the cargo terminal and passenger terminal.
In terms of infrastructure, to fulfill this, the x-ray facilities are implemented," said Ngantimin.