Calon Jemaah Haji 2024 Dapat Living Cost, Segini Jumlahnya
Living Cost: Setiap Calon Jamaah Haji (CJH) Bengkulu dapat living cost sebesar Rp3,030 juta dari Kementerian Agama (Kemenag). BELA/RB--
Head of the Regular Hajj Registration and Documents Team, Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, Bengkulu Province, H. Allazi, SE, said
That the amount of money would be given to CJH, after all CJH had entered the Hajj Dormitory. Or, before the 2024 Hajj departure.
"From the IDR 24.97 million paid by the CJHs, later IDR 3.030 million will be given back in the form of living costs to the CJHs," said Allazi.
For this reason, Allazi said, if the CJHs feel that they have no money to take with them to the Holy Land, there is no need to worry.
Because the Ministry of Religion has prepared pocket money in the form of this living coast.
"This amount of money will be given in full, specifically for CJH's support.
Meanwhile, living costs in the Holy Land, including food, hotels, vehicles, have all been borne by the Ministry of Religion.
In fact, if you don't want to spend it, this IDR 3,030 million can be brought back and utilized CJH in Indonesia after returning from Hajj," explained Alalzi.
Meanwhile, the repayment process is still continuing.
Of the 1,636 prospective Hajj Pilgrims (CJH) in Bengkulu, as of Monday 29 January 2024 at 11.10 WIB, there have been 488 CJH who have made payments.
In detail, Bengkulu City has paid off 238 CJHs, North Bengkulu 51 CJHs, South Bengkulu 39 CJHs, Mukomuko 43 CJHs, Mukomuko 9 CJHs and Seluma 24 CJHs.
Meanwhile, Kaur has paid off 24 CJH, Kaur 60 CJH, Kepahiang 16 CJH, Lebong 3 CJH, and Central Bengkulu 4 CJH.
"So each region has started to make progress.
Including the two previous regions, namely Central Bengkulu and Lebong, which have also started making payments," he said.
He hopes that this week 90 CJH will be repaid.