Kasasi JPU Dikabulkan MA, Aipda SA Dijatuhi Hukuman 5 Tahun Penjara. Begini Putusannya
KASASI: Humas Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Bengkulu, Tengku Oyong, SH., MH menjelaskan telah menerima hasil putusan kasasi perkara p*nc*b*l*n anak di bawah umur. FOTO; FIKI SUSADI/RB--
"We (Bengkulu District Court, ed.) have received the cassation decision with the defendant SA," said Tengku, when confirmed by RB, Monday (19/2) at the Bengkulu District Court.
Tengku further explained that the cassation decision stated that it granted the applicant's cassation, in this case the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Bengkulu District Attorney's Office (Kejari).
Cancel the decision of the Bengkulu District Court number 78/Pid.Sus/2023/PN Bgl dated 10 August 2023.
The Supreme Court (MA) judge assessed that the defendant SA was proven guilty of committing obscene acts against children in accordance with Article 82 paragraph (1) jo. Article 76E of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
"The Supreme Court assessed that the defendant SA was proven to have violated Article 82 paragraph (1) jo. Article 76E," he said.
Thus, after receiving this cassation decision. The Bengkulu District Court will submit notification of the cassation decision to the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office.
For this reason, this cassation decision will be followed up immediately, so that the defendant SA will be executed immediately.
For your information, this cassation statement was previously conveyed by the Head of Intelligence at the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office, Fery Junaidi, SH, accompanied by the Head of the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office, Denny Agustian, SH, MH when confirmed. The prosecutor stated his cassation on Friday 11 August 2023.
In his complaint, the defendant SA was demanded by the public prosecutor for 8 years in prison. Denny stated that the prosecutor's consideration in demanding eight years against SA at the trial was in accordance with the evidence and the impact of SA's actions on the child victim.
In fact, Denny said that the evidence presented at the trial was sufficient to confirm SA's actions against victim Ranum.
The hearing with the decision agenda was chaired by the Panel of Judges, Ivonne Tiurma Rismauli, SH MH and Member Judges, Edi Sanjaya Lase, SH and Riswan Supartawinata, SH.
The Panel of Judges believes that the defendant SA has not been proven guilty of committing a criminal act as charged in the indictment under Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 76 E of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Government Decree in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to the Law. Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
Meanwhile, Ranum's father, HR, who also witnessed the decision at that time, could not do anything else. After hearing that the defendant was acquitted, HR had no choice but to accept the decision.
At the trial at the Bengkulu District Court on August 10 2023, SA was acquitted by the Panel of Judges from being prosecuted by the Bengkulu Prosecutor's Office for 8 years, in a case of alleged molestation of a minor.
SA is suspected to have repeatedly violated Ranum.