Persiapan Lahan, Investasi Rp600 Miliar Swiss Green Projects

INVESTASI: Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kota Bengkulu, Riduan memastikan investasi Rp600 miliar dari Swiss Green Projects ditargetkan terealisasi tahun ini. DOK/RB--

The investment is scheduled to be realized in 2024, with the Bengkulu City Government preparing a minimum of 4 hectares of land as a location for the construction of the waste management factory.

"That this initiative is not only a solution for Bengkulu City waste management, but can also provide inspiration for other regions in implementing environmentally friendly solutions to overcome environmental and energy problems," he said.

For your information, the IDR 600 billion investment funds will be allocated to purchase a waste decomposing machine which is capable of converting 40 tonnes of waste into high quality fuel with an octane number of up to 95. This project aims to protect the environment and reduce dependence on conventional fossil fuels.
