Persiapan Lahan, Investasi Rp600 Miliar Swiss Green Projects
INVESTASI: Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kota Bengkulu, Riduan memastikan investasi Rp600 miliar dari Swiss Green Projects ditargetkan terealisasi tahun ini. DOK/RB--
dengan Pemkot Bengkulu menyiapkan lahan seluas minimal 4 hektare sebagai lokasi pembangunan pabrik pengelolaan sampah tersebut.
“Bahwa inisiatif ini tidak hanya menjadi solusi bagi pengelolaan sampah Kota Bengkulu,
tetapi juga dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi daerah lain dalam menerapkan solusi ramah lingkungan untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan dan energi,” tuturnya.
Untuk diketahui, dana investasi Rp600 miliar tersebut, akan dialokasikan untuk membeli mesin pengurai sampah
yang mampu mengubah 40 ton sampah menjadi BBM berkualitas tinggi dengan angka oktan mencapai 95.
Proyek ini bertujuan guna menjaga lingkungan dan mengurangi ketergantungan pada bahan bakar fosil konvensional.
Head of the Bengkulu City Environmental Service (DLH), Riduan, confirmed that the IDR 600 billion investment from Swiss Green Projects is targeted to be realized this year.
Swiss Green Projects and the Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) will collaborate on managing waste into fuel oil (BBM) and gas.
"The realization of this project is planned for this year," said Riduan.
Riduan explained that currently his party is still waiting for the preparation of the land that will be used as a location for waste management operations into fuel and gas.
"Currently we are still waiting for the preparation of the land to be acquired," said Riduan.
Riduan explained more clearly that the land acquisition is currently still discussing the budget. Riduan said the budget had been submitted to the Bengkulu City DPRD.
Currently, his party is conducting a study to estimate the costs of land acquisition before the official budget is submitted.
“The focus this year is to conduct a budget review before starting the project. and the budget will be adjusted through the revised APBD," he explained.
Riduan believes that once the study is complete and the land acquisition location is known, the project can begin immediately this year.