LPS Bayar Klaim Tahap I Rp22,13 Miliar
KLAIM: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) menyalurkan klaim untuk eks nasabah Bank Perekonomian Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Mojo Artho, Mojokerto. DOK/RB--
East Java is one of the regions that often receives LPS attention.
Last year, three of the four banks handled by this institution came from East Java.
The locations are in Madiun, Pasuruan and Banyuwangi. Another one comes from Indramayu.
On the same occasion, Nur Fauziah admitted that she was relieved to be able to get her savings.
One of BPRS Mojo Artho's customers thanked LPS for their guarantee.
“Initially, our family was worried about the fate of our savings. "But after being told by LPS that our savings were fully guaranteed, we were relieved," he said.