LPS Bayar Klaim Tahap I Rp22,13 Miliar
KLAIM: Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) menyalurkan klaim untuk eks nasabah Bank Perekonomian Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Mojo Artho, Mojokerto. DOK/RB--
Lokasinya berada di Madiun, Pasuruan, dan Banyuwangi. Satu lagi berasal dari Indramayu.
Pada kesempatan yang sama, Nur Fauziah mengaku lega bisa memperoleh simpanannya.
Salah seorang nasabah BPRS Mojo Artho itu berterima kasih kepada LPS atas jaminan mereka.
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’’Awalnya, kami sekeluarga khawatir akan nasib simpanan kami. Tetapi setelah diberi tahu oleh LPS bahwa simpanan kami dijamin sepenuhnya, kami menjadi lega,’’ ujarnya.
The Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) is trying to be alert in handling the problem of deposit claims at banks that are no longer operating.
This time LPS distributed claims to former customers of the Sharia People's Economic Bank (BPRS) Mojo Artho, Mojokerto. The first stage has guaranteed 82 percent of the bank's total customers.
Temporary Substitute Officer (Pgs) Head of the Public Relations Division of LPS Nur Budiantoro explained that the case of revocation of BPRS permits in Mojokerto was carried out by the OJK on January 26 2024.
This is due to the failure of the bank restructuring efforts carried out since it was designated as a BPRS under intensive supervision (BPDI) in 2020.
''Within three working days after BPRS Mojo Artho closed, we have verified customers and carried out payment of guarantee claims for phase I,'' he said while monitoring the guarantee claim payment process at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Mojokerto Gajah Mada, Mojokerto, yesterday (2/2 ).
In the first stage, LPS verified 16,489 accounts.
This figure reaches 82 percent of the total number of accounts at BPRS, which is 20,146 accounts.
However, in nominal terms, the amount that has been paid is only IDR 22.13 billion. Around 25 percent of total deposits of IDR 86.63 billion.