9 Pakta Integritas OPD, Tuntaskan Keluhan Masyarakat 24 Jam, Pj Walikota: Kalau Tidak Mampu, Harus Dirotasi
OPD: Seluruh Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bengkulu melakukan penandatanganan kontrak kerja untuk tahun 2024. ALVIN/RB--
Signing the Integrity Pact is considered a promise and commitment to comply.
It is hoped that all ASN can implement the 9 Integrity Pacts that have been signed.
“Don't just hear and read it, it must be implemented.
"Because this is also a promise, it must be kept by providing good performance for the Municipal Government," hoped Arif.
The Acting Mayor also asked all OPDs to support and make the Bengkulu City Government program a success.
"Especially those that have direct contact with the community, so let's make various city government programs a success. "In 2024," explained Arif.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Bengkulu City Communication and Informatics Service (Kominfo), Gitagama Raniputera, emphasized this
This is a joint commitment in carrying out various programs that have been planned by both the city and central governments.
"Everyone has their own duties and main duties, so because this has become a joint commitment, come on, let's build Bengkulu City better," he concluded.