Gedung Sentra Kuliner di Kaur Akan Disulap jadi Mall Pelayanan Publik, Segini Anggarannya
SULAP: Gedung Sentra Kuliner yang nantinya akan disulap menjadi Mall Pelayanan Publik dengan anggaran Rp600 juta. RUSMAN/RB--
"Kalau perbaikan cepat selesai, maka peresmian juga akan cepat kita lakukan," ujar Saryanto.
Untuk diketahui Mall Pelayanan Publik Kabupaten Kaur nantinya akan terdapat 24 jenis pelayanan masyarakat.
Mulai dari perizinan dan pelayanan kependudukan lainnya.
Tak hanya itu, juga akan ada pelayanan dari instansi vertikal mulai dari Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD).
Sehingga semua, jenis pelayanan di Kabupaten akan terpusat menjadi satu pintu.
"Jadi seluruh pelayanan masyarakat akan terpusat di satu tempat, yaitu di Mall Pelayanan Publik," pungkasnya.
Sementara itu, Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kaur Dr. Drs. Ersan Syahfiri MM., mengharapkan usai diresmikan nanti pelayanan terkait administrasi di Kabupaten Kaur akan lebih maksimal lagi.
Sebagaimana diketahui, beberapa warga memang cukup kesulitan melakukan pengurusan administrasi karena jaraknya yang jauh.
"Dukungan penuh tentunya dari Pemkab, apalagi dampak pembangunan MPP ini nanti juga untuk masyarakat Kaur," singkat Sekda.
The Culinary Center Building in Kaur Regency will be transformed into a Public Service Mall this year.
To transform the Culinary Center building into a Public Service Mall, the Kaur Regency Government (Pemkab) prepared a budget of IDR 600 million.
The Kaur District Government ensures that the process of repairing the Culinary Center building into a Public Service Mall will take place in 2024
This was conveyed directly by the Head of the Human Settlement Division (Kabid) of the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) District Kaur Wawanto ST. Wednesday, January 31 2024.
"We ensure that repairs to the building (Culinary Center, ed.) will be carried out this year, because the budget is already available," said Wawanto.
He revealed that a budget of IDR 600 million had been prepared by the PUPR Service as the implementer of repairs to the Culinary Center building for the Public Service Mall.
For the Culinary Center building which will be repaired to be transformed into a Public Service Mall, starting from repainting the building then adding partitions for the service rooms inside as well as facilities and infrastructure starting from tables, chairs and so on.
"The Rp. 600 million that has been prepared is included in the budget for infrastructure," said Wawanto.
However, Wawanto cannot confirm when the renovation of the Culinary Center building will begin to become a Public Service Mall.
Because currently, it is still in the process of submitting to the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) at the Kaur Regional Secretariat's Goods and Services Procurement Unit (UKPBJ).
"We cannot confirm when it will be implemented, it is possible that work will start in March," explained Wawanto.
During construction, Wawanto also invited the local community and related OPDs to participate in supervising the construction.
So that building construction can proceed according to what has been planned. With the supervision of the relevant OPD, we can also coordinate what needs are needed for the Public Service Mall itself in the future.
"Apart from the relevant OPD, we are also inviting local residents to supervise future development," said Wawanto.
On the other hand, Head of the Capital Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) Kaur Saryoto M. Ling Regency, added that all permits related to the renovation of the building to be converted into a Public Service Mall have been completed.
"The permits and other things have been completed, we just have to wait for the building to be renovated by the PUPR Department," he explained.
If the repairs carried out by PUPR are fast, it is estimated that the inauguration of the Public Services Mall will be carried out next May.
After the inauguration, several services will move to the Public Services Mall and it is hoped that this will help simplify administrative services for Kaur residents.
"If the repairs are completed quickly, then we will also carry out the inauguration quickly," said Saryanto.
For your information, the Kaur Regency Public Services Mall will have 24 types of public services.
Starting from permits and other population services. Not only that, there will also be services from vertical agencies starting from State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD). So that all types of services in the Regency will be centralized into one door.
"So all community services will be centralized in one place, namely at the Public Services Mall," he concluded.
Meanwhile, Regional Secretary (Sekda) Kaur Dr. Drs.
Ersan Syahfiri MM., hopes that after the inauguration services related to administration in Kaur Regency will be even more optimal.
As is known, it is quite difficult for some residents to carry out administrative arrangements because of the long distance.
"Full support is of course from the Regency Government, especially since the impact of the construction of this MPP will also be on the people of Kaur," said the Regional Secretary briefly.