Sugarcane productivity at that time reached 140 million tons per hectare. Then, the yield obtained is around 16-18 percent per year.
"At that time, Indonesian sugar was exported to India, which is now the largest sugar supplier in the world," he explained.
Now, in Indonesia, 1 hectare can only produce 5 tons of sugar.
Sugarcane productivity is below 80 million tons per year with a yield that is stagnant at 7 percent.
In the future, he targets that 1 hectare of land can produce twice as much, namely 10 tons of sugar.
“This sugarcane should be more attractive, even when compared to palm oil.
The maximum profit from palm oil currently reaches IDR 20 million. "For sugar cane whose sugar productivity reaches 10 tons per hectare, the profit can be more than IDR 75 million," he said.
SGN President Director Aris Toharisman explained that 2023 will be the first year that his party will manage 36 sugar factories which were originally under PTPN management.
Even though the amount of sugar cane milled decreased as a result of El Nino, the yield achieved increased to 7.19 percent.
"An increase of 111.6 percent compared to last year," he said.
In 2024, SGN targets to grind 13.5 million tons of sugar cane. From there, the party estimates that white crystal sugar (GKP) production will reach 978 thousand tons with SNI quality.