Garap Tomohon Visitor Centre, BNI Proaktif Dukung Digitalisasi Ekosistem Pariwisata

VISITOR: BNI mendukung perhelatan Tomohon Visitor Centre yang berlangsung di kompleks wisata Air Terjun Tekaan Telu, Tomohon Utara. DOK/RB--
dan implementasi Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS), kami berupaya menciptakan terobosan menarik untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan keamanan dalam bertransaksi," kata Lucky.
Pada kesempatan itu, dilakukan juga penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerja Sama Antara Pemimpin Cabang BNI Tomohon Denny Akay
dan Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kota Tomohon Judistira Siwu yang disaksikan oleh Walikota Tomohon Caroll Senduk dan Wakil Pemimpin Wilayah 11 BNI Suluttenggomalut Lucky Lahope.
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Di tempat terpisah, Pemimpin BNI Wilayah 11 Suluttenggomalut Lodewyck ZS Pattihahuan menambahkan, dukungan BNI terhadap Tomohon Visitor Centre mencerminkan komitmen perseroan
dalam mengembangkan pariwisata dan mendorong inovasi dalam sektor keuangan.
BNI berharap kolaborasi ini akan membawa manfaat besar bagi masyarakat Tomohon dan pengunjung.
"BNI tetap berkomitmen menjadi mitra strategis dalam pertumbuhan dan pembangunan Kota Tomohon, sejalan dengan visi kota untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang sejahtera dan berkembang," pungkas dia.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI continues to play a role in supporting central and regional government programs.
This time, the state-owned bank participated in the launch of the Tomohon Visitor Center, which took place at the Tekaan Telu Waterfall tourist complex, North Tomohon.
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Deputy Head of Region 11 of BNI Suluttenggomalut Lucky Lahope said that BNI's participation in launching the Tomohon Visitor Center was an important momentum for the partnership between the company and the Tomohon City Government.
According to him, BNI's presence at the event marked support for the digitalization of the tourism ecosystem.
"In launching the Tomohon Visitor Center, our main focus is digitalizing the tourism ecosystem.
"BNI's presence as a partner of the Tomohon City government is a form of our total support in supporting government programs oriented towards nation development," said Lucky.
He explained that BNI's support included, among other things, implementing innovative steps to support government programs,
including a program for paying taxes or levies without using cash, or what is better known as the cashless method.
Apart from that, BNI also presents a payment method with the Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS), which is a breakthrough to increase comfort and security in transactions.
"Through a cashless tax or levy payment program, or what is known as cashless,
and implementing the Quick Response Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS), we are trying to create interesting breakthroughs to increase comfort and security in transactions," said Lucky.
On that occasion, a Cooperation Agreement was also signed between BNI Tomohon Branch Manager Denny Akay
and Head of the Tomohon City Tourism Office, Judistira Siwu, witnessed by Tomohon Mayor Caroll Senduk and Deputy Head of Region 11 of BNI Suluttenggomalut Lucky Lahope.
Separately, BNI Region 11 Suluttenggomalut Leader Lodewyck ZS Pattihahuan added that BNI's support for the Tomohon Visitor Center reflects the company's commitment
in developing tourism and encouraging innovation in the financial sector.
BNI hopes that this collaboration will bring great benefits to the people of Tomohon and visitors.
"BNI remains committed to being a strategic partner in the growth and development of Tomohon City, in line with the city's vision to create a prosperous and developing society," he concluded.