Trayek Tol Laut Bengkulu-Tanjung Priok Diaktifkan, Ini Kelebihannya
TOL: Trayek Tol Laut Bengkulu-Tanjung Priok segera diaktifkan. Diyakini penggunaan jalur Tol Laut ini bisa hemat hingga 30 persen dibanding menggunakan jalur darat. Humas Pemprov Bengkulu/RB--
"Jadi akan kita dorong pengaktifan Tol Laut Bengkulu ini, karena pihak perusahaan bisa menjamin dalam satu periode ekspor kopi bisa mencapai 1.200 ton serta ekspor lainnya, seperti ekspor teh dan buah.
Apalagi dari 13 kontainer yang tersedia pihak perusahaan membutuhkan 50 kontainer," terang Bambang.
Ditambahkan, Direktur Pemasaran PT. Padang Capo Jaya, Dirmansyah sebagai perusahaan ekspedisi, penggunaan Tol Laut ini sangat membantu.
Penggunaan tol laut ini, juga diyakininya lebih aman dari pada jalur darat.
Untuk itu, ia berikan mengapresiasi kepada Pemprov Bengkulu atas diaktifkannya Tol Laut Bengkulu - Tanjung Priok ini.
"Kami sangat berterima kasih khususnya kepada Bapak Gubernur yang bersemangat sekali menghidupkan Tol Laut Bengkulu ini.
Jadi dengan fasilitas ini komoditi Bengkulu ke depan bisa lebih tinggi harganya," singkatnya.
Route Toll The Bengkulu-Tanjung Priok Sea was immediately activated. It is believed that using the Sea Toll route can save up to 30 percent compared to using the land route.
For your information, this Sea Toll Route is a transportation cost subsidy prepared by the government using container facilities.
Unlike land toll roads, which are crossed by four-wheeled vehicles.
Governor of Bengkulu, Prof. Dr. H. Rohidin Mersyah, M.MA, said that once the Bengkulu-Tanjung Priok Sea Toll road is opened, it will have an economic impact on Bengkulu.
Likewise from the business side, because the price is more affordable.
"When this was opened, for example it was used for first commodities such as coffee. Then other commodities will also follow later. "Because by using this sea toll road, it is much more affordable," explained Rohidin, Friday (2/2).
Rohidin said that the activation of the Bengkulu-Tanjung Priokini Sea Toll Road was based on the decision of a meeting with related parties which was held on Thursday 1 February 2024.
Held at the Balai Raya Semarak Regional Building.