Program Bangga Kencana 2023 Dievaluasi, Tahun 2024 Dioptimalisasi
EVALUASI: Pelaksanaan program Bangga Kencana dan penyerapan Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) terpadu tahun 2023 dievaluasi. Foto: Humas BKKBN Bengkulu--
The implementation of the Bangga Kencana program and the absorption of integrated Special Allocation Funds (DAK) in 2023 were evaluated.
The Bangga Kencana program evaluation activity was held at the Research and Development building of the Bengkulu National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), Wednesday 31 January 2024.
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Apart from evaluating the Bangga Kencana program and the absorption of integrated Special Allocation Funds (DAK) in 2023,
BKKBN Bengkulu Bengku is also optimizing the implementation of integrated DAK budget supervision and the 2024 Bangga Kencana cooperation agreement.
Plt. Head of BKKBN Bengkulu Representative, M. Iqbal Apriansyah said,
This activity aims to evaluate the implementation of the Bangga Kencana Program and the absorption of integrated DAK in 2023
As well as giving awards to districts/cities that excel.
"It is hoped that the proud kenca program and integrated DAK absorption this year can be further maximized," said M. Iqbal Apriansyah.
In activities, Bengkulu City received the highest award at number 1 at the provincial level and 3rd at the national level for physical DAK absorption in 2023.
This award was received directly by the Head of DP3AP2KB Dewi Dharma accompanied by the Head of KB Division and the Head of Dalduk Division.
"Hopefully this award will encourage all of us in carrying out the proud gold program and accelerate the reduction of stunting rates in Bengkulu City," said Dewi.
Apart from that, on this occasion, the 2024 physical DAK BOKB budget was also handed over, which only Bengkulu City, Kepahiang Regency and South Bengkulu Regency received.
For non-physical, all districts/cities get it with different budgets.