Diduga Mabuk, Minibus Tabrak Rumah Warga di Jalan Jati, Begini Kronologisnya
TABRAK: Hilang kendali mobil minibus berwarna hitam tabrak ruko warga di Jalan Jati. IST/RB--
“Dia (Ppemilik mobil, red) mau berdamai, jadi kita putuskan untuk berdamai,” ujarnya.
Untuk segala kerusakan di ruko miliknya akan diperbaiki sendiri, karena mobil yang menbrak rukonya juga mengalami kerusakan yang cukup parah pada bagian bodi.
“Kalau mobil remuk, tapi kita damai sudahlah,” tutupnya.
BACA JUGA:Terdakwa Mantan Mantri BRI Ajukan Penangguhan
Suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, the minibus lost control and crashed into a shophouse belonging to a resident on Jalan Jati, Padang Jati Village, Ratu Samban District.
Due to this incident, the shophouse owned by Agus (70) suffered slight damage, including cracks on the wall on the left and the shophouse fence was broken.
When met by RB, Monday 12 February 2024, Agus told of the incident. Agus explained that the incident occurred at around 4.00 WIB Monday morning.
Judging from the position of the car, the black car was coming from the direction of Simpang Sekip towards the Dehasen Campus.
Because it was out of control, the car finally crashed into his shophouse.
At the time of the incident, he was going to the market to buy merchandise.
"I went to the market at around 3.00 WIB and nothing happened, then when I came home I saw the car had stalled," said Agus.
According to Agus, the smell of the driver's mouth smelled of liquor. It is suspected that the car was being driven under the influence of alcohol.
"The smell of his mouth smells like alcohol," he said.
Due to this incident, Agus explained, the parties chose to make peace, not to bring the case to justice.
"He (the car owner, ed.) wants to make peace, so we decided to make peace," he said.